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The Long House's 3rd Birthday - Hundreds of people have benefited from thousands of sessions of care

The Long House's 3rd Birthday

The whole community surrounding Holsworthy has benefited from the presence of our outreach centre

As part of Hospice Care Week, North Devon Hospice is sharing stories about how its care has an impact in the local community, while dispelling some common myths and misconceptions. One incredibly successful story of local hospice care is The Long House, which is celebrating its third anniversary of providing support to the people of Holsworthy.


Opened in the autumn of 2015, The Long House became North Devon Hospice’s first ever outreach centre. The idea was to provide care and support much closer to home, for Holsworthy residents who would otherwise face a two-hour round trip to the main hospice base in Barnstaple. Since then over 3,500 sessions of care have been delivered to local people.


“I was apprehensive to begin with. I wasn’t keen on telling everyone how I am and what’s going on.” said Brenda, a patient who has accessed various care and support at The Long House. “I’m very glad I came though, I think it’s lovely. I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie, knowing that other people feel the same as me.”


The building hosts a range of activities, which are designed to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to those facing a life-limiting illness. But it’s not just for the patient, the whole family is supported at The Long House.


Anita’s husband has a cancer diagnosis, and her role as carer obviously brings its own difficulties. She has accessed a great deal of support at The Long House and calls it a ‘sanctuary’.


“You don’t have to pretend here. At the minute, things are crap, and you can safely say that here.” she said. “My Community Nurse Specialist from the hospice first told me about The Long House. She said I could leave my husband here in safe hands and have a bit of time for myself. But I actually use it more than he does! It’s a surprise that I want to be here so much, but it’s just a very peaceful sanctuary.”


Words like ‘sanctuary’ may not be the first thing that come to many people’s minds when they think about a hospice. But those who know first-hand say that they don’t find the sullen or depressing atmosphere that they feared, but a space that is warm, welcoming and often full of laughter.


Pat is another who had reservations about coming to The Long House. “When my daughter told me about this place I thought, ‘Oh no, I’m not going there!’ I always thought it was for older people, just sitting around. But from the first day it’s been absolutely fantastic.”


The range of services on offer is vast, as Charlie Bond, from the hospice’s Supportive Care team, explains. “As The Long House enters its fourth year it’s clear that a number of services are very popular. Complementary Therapies and Wellbeing Days are always well-subscribed. We also run sessions of gentle exercise and Mindfulness meditation, which sit alongside a regular patients group.”


She added, “But in amongst these regular events we run other session that give people the opportunity to come together, to share stories, memories and things that are important to us. One recent example from our current programme of events is a session called ‘A Few of My Favourite Things.’ Each week people come with an item that is precious from their life, and share the story behind it. In hearing these stories, the group have shared their lives, families, hopes and dreams.”


So far more than 500 people have received support at The Long House. These are people who may not have been able to make the 2-hour round trip to the hospice’s main base in Barnstaple, where similar support is on offer. So the hospice’s little enclave in Holsworthy is certainly proving it’s worth to the local community.


The North Devon Hospice shops on The Square in Holsworthy help to fund the care and support offered at The Long House. It is actually the most profitable of all the hospice’s shops, which shows how the local community have taken the cause to their heart.


As The Long House celebrates its third anniversary, and looks back on the 3,500 sessions of care provided in that time, it is worth remembering that such support is only possible thanks to the generosity of local people. To find out how you can get involved locally, to support the work of North Devon Hospice at The Long House, please call the fundraising team on 01271 347232 or visit